Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Favorites: Trinket Round-up

{Robot 'Armed with Technology' Tea Infuser - $14.99 here}

Who is excited for this long weekend? Chances are if your full-time job is an office job (like me!), you're eagerly raising your hand, jumping up and down, and frantically trying to uncork a bottle of champagne or find that bloody bottle opener. This weekend I'm spending it in Los Angeles -shocker, I usually go to Vegas with the girls- having dinner parties and barbecues, taking advantage of the Los Angeles social scene, and hopefully spending at least one day on a South Bay boardwalk. What are your plans?

To celebrate the holiday weekend, here's a collection of trinkets from all around the internets that gave me a chuckle, and hopefully send you on your weekend ways with a laugh.
{It may be lazy, but it sure as hell is efficient}

{A tailgater's dream grill - $220 here}

{You got your banana in my wine bottle - $8.00 here}
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  1. great blog! I hope you'll visit mine!

  2. I need that tea infuser! Looks so fun!
    xx Brigita


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